How to do "startup guerrilla warfare"? How to innovate in real time? What is the job of the CEO? What is your advantage when you are young and small? How to focus on execution? How to express leadership in a startup? What to do in times of crisis? How to build the right culture for your company? How to make tough decisions? How to help and empower your people?
Many books have been written about these topics. This one is different - it is written in the most straightforward way, as "do's and don'ts", insights and lessons learned from one known Israeli serial entrepreneur and investor who did it, in order to share with the global startup community, for free.

"The book is intended to provide tools for entrepreneurs and CEOs in all areas - fundraising, employee management, marketing, entrepreneurship and more. It is free, intentionally. I hope thousands of people will read the book and try to set up a social or business venture themselves. This is a difficult but exciting road."

Naftali Bennett - Israeli Politician
Naftali Bennett is a known Israeli public figure and leader, and as of 2021 - acts as Israel's Prime Minister. Naftali Bennett is also a successful serial high tech entrepreneur and investor. Bennett represents much of what the Israeli "Startup Nation" brand stands for, but the valuable lessons from his journey as a tech startup founder and CEO were less familiar to non-Israeli audiences so far. This English version of his book comes to change that.

"This booklet will not teach you how to prepare a business plan or pitch deck, nor will it analyze business strategies. There are many great books on those topics in the market. What will you find in this booklet? Imperative Insights, mistakes, and lessons I learned as a CEO. Things that you may not find on Google. Things that one exhausted CEO usually whispers to another, on the way to a red-eye Sunday flight from Tel Aviv to New York. Things I would have loved to know at the beginning of my career as a 27-year-old CEO with no business and management experience."
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